Prime Shred Review: Fat Burning Performance, Side Effects and Price

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This week we take a look at Prime Shred – a 3 in 1 thermogenic fat burner from MuscleClub in the UK. Who is it aimed at and does it deliver the goods?

What we like: Strong fat burning results; Easy to take; Definite ‘pep’ with improved workout intensity.

What we don’t like: Some restlessness at night

We’ve all seen advertisements for fat-burning tablets on the internet and wondered if they work – are the claims too good to be true? We recently ran an independent trial on a widely available fat burner and saw some noticeable improvements in body fat percentage. The science is sound and it is certainly not all marketing hype.

In this review, we turn our weight loss eyes towards Prime Shred. These fat burners from the USA are FDA-approved and stimulate thermogenesis in your body (heat generation and calorie burn) while also increasing energy levels.

Prime Shred tablets are aimed at bodybuilders and weightlifters who want to sculpt their body and reduce fat as a proportion of their mass. Each pill contains a potent mix of ingredients and are all-natural and vegan-friendly. We found that taking Prime Shred three times per day can certainly help your body burn fat while maintaining muscle strength.

Let’s dig in and see what all the fuss is about….

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Prime Shred – what is it?

Prime Shred offers three routes to a better body. It can a) improve your metabolism b) increase your energy, and c) promote significant excess calorie burn via thermogenesis. Only three tablets per day are required, and you are likely to see results within the first month or you can get a full refund.

Prime Shred contains many of the same ingredients as other fat-burning tablets on the market, and the choice is often a matter of personal preference and whether the particular combination works with your genetic makeup. We saw good results on average from our trial, but one volunteer in particular had no additional fat loss versus a placebo.

A Three Step Attack On Fat

Prime Shred begins working immediately to burn your fat using a three-pronged process:

  1. By enhancing the body’s in-built fat burning processes
  2. By activating additional fat-blasting hormones
  3. By improving mental clarity, alertness and drive to achieve your goals

Let’s dig a little deeper into each of these three stages of the Prime Shred fat burn process.

Prime Shred – Phase 1

To combat your excess fat, the first step is to speed up your normal fat-burning process, which will help you to burn calories at a much faster rate. This is accomplished by boosting your body’s metabolic rate and promoting thermogenesis (the production of heat in the human body). For you, this implies that no matter where you exercise, you will lose more weight.

Prime Shred – Phase 2

Hormones are essential in the three-pronged fat-burning strategy employed by Prime Shred. The pills stimulate the production of hormones in the body, including leptin and adiponectin. These hormones are in charge of assisting your body in burning fat. They will instruct your fat cells to disseminate fatty acids into the bloodstream, allowing them to be removed from the body permanently. Occasionally, people suffer from hormonal imbalances, resulting in their brain never communicating with their fat-burning hormones; however, these pills override this and re-energize your hormones.

Prime Shred – Phase 3

Aside from improving workout performance, the nootropics contained within the tablets help to clear the fog from your head and boost your mental clarity and focus. The supplement works in symbiosis with your body’s energy levels during the cutting stage to keep you going. Energy is then obviously released due to fat burning, which helps you stay more alert. Prime Shred works to increase your energy and concentration levels, allowing you to stay active throughout the day and beyond. It is possible to wave goodbye to the customary end of the day exhaustion and hello to the possibility of increased productivity by taking these pills.

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100% Natural Ingredients – Vegan Friendly

The capabilities of Prime Shred have been introduced above, but now it’s time to examine what makes them unique. MuscleLabs undertook extensive research and testing to refine the composition for these tablets before they could be released on to the market and it’s worth restating that they are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Prime Shred offers some fairly unique amino acid compounds such as L-tyrosine and L-theanine. These are not commonly found in other supplements. They also include more regular fat burning ingredients such as such as green tea extract, caffeine, and cayenne pepper. There is considerable evidence that these work well in conjunction with resistance exercise for fat burn.

The following is a breakdown of each ingredient, as well as the science behind each one’s fat-burning contribution.

You can obtain the amino acid L-Theanine from various sources, including mushrooms, green tea, and black tea; however, it is also available as a standalone supplement. Working with the body, L-Theanine provides various health benefits, including immune enhancement, increased attention, stress and anxiety alleviation, and blood pressure management, amongst other things. Furthermore (and this is the reason why it is included in this tablet), it increases your body’s metabolism. This means that L-Theanine can reduce the amount of fat you’re carrying on board. L-Theanine also has the added benefit of increasing dopamine levels, which will allow you to push through the cutting stage with greater ease.

Cayenne pepper, believe it or not, is the most well-known fat-burning agent in the world right now. Its effects are attributed to a molecule known as capsaicin, which has been scientifically proven to increase your body’s temperature and cause fat to burn at an exponential pace. Whilst maintaining your current fitness regimen, cayenne pepper can assist you in improving your calorie burn. Along with your training programme, you should make an effort to eat healthfully. For example, eating Chili Con Carne, which contains cayenne pepper, may become a regular meal.

DMAE is a fish-derived vitamin that supports brain function and helps to prevent cognitive problems. Improved mind-muscle communication can inspire a positive impact on your workout performance. Your cognition is strengthened by increasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps you stay focused throughout the day.

You may not know this but coffee beans are actually green before they are roasted to provide you with your daily dose of caffeine. The experts who teach us what’s good for us state that the majority of the beneficial components are lost once roasted. Because of the beneficial effects of green beans, they are increasingly being used in weight loss products. Instead, the Prime Shred crew remove the goodness directly from the green bean, which then activates thermogenic processes, enhances metabolism, and floods your body with energetic neurotransmitters.

A good dose of caffeine, which is contained in most supplements, works to improve your stamina, alertness, and performance. Prime Shred contains the caffeine equivalent of two large cups of coffee in a single pill, so you won’t need any more to get your blood flowing. Caffeine has thermogenic properties, which means it works with your body to increase fat burning and improve metabolism. You must ensure that you pace your three dosages appropriately; the last thing you want is two cups of coffee keeping you awake until the wee hours of the morning.

L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid which means that the body can create it if required but often won’t unless it has to. L-tyrosine is found in all of the tissues of the human body and is used to aid in the production of thyroid hormones and melanin. Furthermore, it aids in the efficient communication of neurotransmitters, which facilitate communication between nerve cells. L-Tyrosine has a wide range of health benefits, including the ability to improve mental alertness, cope with sleep loss, and fight depression. According to the manufacturers of Prime Shred, people who take L-Tyrosine supplements report feeling more alert and having fewer memory lapses.

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen, which means that it can help you manage changes in your mental and physical stress levels as they occur. According to historical records, this root has been used to reduce stress levels for hundreds of years. Numerous studies have demonstrated the root’s ability to release fat-burning enzymes into the body, enhancing circulation and increasing your workout potential.

1.5g of green tea extract is consumed over a Prime Shred day. The majority of supplements on the market contain green tea, which is known for its fat-burning properties. The high levels of antioxidants are one of the reasons for its popularity. The most well-known of them is EGCG, which breaks down the hormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine levels increase when the enzyme is released, further enhancing fat breakdown. The Green Tea extract within Prime Shred is a major component that has been shown to promote fat-burning during exercise.

Bioperine is a black pepper extract that boosts your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. According to Prime Shred, your body would consume 30% less of the components if Bioperine wasn’t included. This extract essentially means that you get greater value for your money, which we will discuss later.

Vitamins are important to our health, and the Prime Shred producers are well aware of this. This is why their pill is stacked with B vitamins, essential for our production of energy. People who are more active usually require more doses of vitamin B to keep going at maximum efficiency. As a result, each pill has enough B6, B3, and B12 to keep even the most active go-getters going.

Prime Shred Benefits

Blast that fat away: With all of those fat blasting compounds working together in a single pill, you can go from fat around the edges to ripped and muscled in no time – albeit you will have to put in some hard effort in the gym. We know you love that anyway….

Stay strong of mind: Losing weight can be demoralising, especially when you’ve done everything you can and still not succeeded. Your body will get the final push it needs to achieve, thanks to the improved mental ability supplied by Prime Shred.

Pop some when you need it: Prime Shred is used for a variety of reasons, and you may not want to use it all of the time. If you have an upcoming function and want to look your best, these tablets can help you lose a few pounds.

Add that final 5% you’re missing: There’s no doubting that the final obstacle is the most difficult. You’ve put in the effort and grown muscle, yet your body fat continues to torment you. These capsules will help you lose the last ounce of fat and show off all of your hard work.

Taking Prime Shred – how many tablets?

MuscleLabs recommend taking three pills roughly twenty minutes before your morning meal to get the most out of Prime Shred. You should also continue to use the tablets on both training and rest days.

Some of our trial volunteers made the mistake of spreading the tablet use throughout the day and reported trouble sleeping. This is due to the anhydrous caffeine in the pills which definite keeps you alert and increases the intensity of your workouts.

Prime Shred review

Scientific Research 

As discussed, Prime Shred contains clinically validated dosages of ingredients inherently connected to the body’s fat-burning mechanism – this gives it an advantage over its competitors. 

Many people regularly use green tea extract to increase their body’s level of fat burn, and this is included in Prime Shred. Several research studies have looked at the link between green tea and weight loss, and the results have been conclusive. In one study, sixty obese people were divided into two groups: those who received green tea extract and those who received a placebo. The average amount of fat loss for people drinking green tea was 7.3 pounds lower than those who took the extract. Furthermore, animal studies have shown that the compound EGCG contained in green tea extract can inhibit fat absorption; however, this has yet to be confirmed in people.

When taken correctly, caffeine is a great weight-loss stimulant. It will boost energy levels, allowing users to burn calories steadily all day. It has been discovered that limiting your daily caffeine intake will help you achieve your fat-burning goals. Your fat gets ripped away faster than usual, thanks to the activation of thermogenesis within the body. According to some research, caffeine may suppress your appetite, meaning you’ll have a reduced desire to scoff unhealthy meals.

The benefits of Green Bean Extract are being used in increasing numbers of supplements on the market, including Prime Shred. Five trials were reported in the study “The Use of Green Coffee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials,” which revealed that green bean coffee extract resulted in an average 5lb weight loss per person.

Prime Shred causes a noticeable mood-boost because it contains nutrients like Rhodiola Rosea and L-theanine. L-theanine is included in the capsules to offset the effects of caffeine, which can trigger anxiety spikes. According to studies, ingesting 200mg of L-theanine daily can help those with depression.

Prime Shred – Our Experience

At BDAWeightwise, we like to trial all supplements that we review, and Prime Shred is no different in this regard. It’s impossible to give an honest appraisal without having first hand experience. Luckily we have access to a range of clients who are willing to test supplements which we provide to them free of charge if they agree to follow our trial instructions. This includes sticking to a set amount of calories and exercise per day for the trial duration as well as consenting to fat percentage measurements at the start and end of the trial – in this case a three month duration.

Trial Participants

For our Prime Shred trial, we had access to four female volunteers in the 25-35 yr old age range looking to lose body fat as part of a diet and exercise plan. We gave volunteers A and B three tablets of Prime Shred per day for three months, and volunteers C and D a sugar placebo pill. Calories were limited to 1500 per day  together with three cross trainer sessions per week of 30 minute duration each.

Trial Results

Obviously this was a very small trial and hardly scientific, but we saw noticeable fat burning effects from the Prime Shred volunteers as quickly as 2 weeks into the proceedings. A and B both reported increased alertness, with B reporting some difficulty sleeping (only later did we realise she was not taking the pills in the morning as instructed).

Weight loss was good across the board owing to the calorie deficit, but % fat burn was higher with the Prime Shred volunteers

VolunteerPrime Shred or PlaceboWeight loss (kg)Body Fat Improvement (%)
APrime Shred5.28.5
BPrime Shred4.67.7

It is clear from our results that Prime Shred can aid fat burn when taken as part of a diet and exercise plan. We also intend to run a separate trial with the pills taken without calorie deficit or additional exercise to examine whether they can initiate fat burn on their own.

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What Does Prime Shred Cost?

Here’s the bit you’ve been waiting for: how much of your hard-earned money will you have to spend?

Prime Shred is only currently available online at and cannot be purchased in stores. You’ll pay £34.99 for one bottle of supplements, which is pretty good value considering the ingredients and performance it provides. If you’re willing to stump up more money then you can get more Prime Shred per £ – for example, three bottles cost  £69.99 which is only £23.33 per bottle.

Refund Policy

If the product doesn’t work for you, you’ll want to know what happens. Well it’s a great relief to find out that Prime Shred will issue a 100% refund if you feel the product hasn’t worked for you. This shows great confidence in their product and is something we wholeheartedly support in the industry.

Overall Verdict

Prime Shred delivers a punch and uses a 3-step war plan to tackle your fat. Your mind will feel stronger, and your body will slim down if you ingest the natural nutrients packed inside. Based on authentic science we have seen excellent results with this fat burner. You can readily compare Prime Shred to other supplements on the market because all of the ingredients are visible. Remember that a 30-day bottle is only ~£35, and there is a 100-day money-back guarantee if you feel it isn’t giving you the desired effects – we doubt that will be the case, though. Prime Shred is one of our faves.